Thursday, June 16, 2011


We're heading north for vacation starting tomorrow.  I'm hoping we might be able to swing by Bakio beach  - one the best spots for sea glass scrounging I've encountered.  Both of these photos were shot there last summer, on 35 mm film using a blackbird, fly plastic camera.

Rocks, 2010

Rocks 2, 2010

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Storm Clouds

Two recent pinhole photos, shot with a Zero 2000 medium format pinhole camera on Ilford Delta 100 speed film.  Developed in Ilfotec LC29 (1 +19), 5 minutes at 20 C.  Both were shot near the laguna in Fuente de Piedra.

A Storm on the Horizon, 2011

Tree on a Hill, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011

El Cementario de Fuente de Piedra

A hot, sunny and cloudless day... probably not ideal conditions for pinhole photos in a cemetery.  Today, I decided to ignore the clear, blue skies and bring the Pinhole 100 over to the local boneyard.  El Cementario de Fuente de Piedra is a typical white walled Spanish cemetery, filled with a mix of mausoleums, tombs and shady cypress trees.  All of these were shot on Fuji FP100-C instant film.  Due to the bright sun, the exposures were all very short. 

El Cementario de Fuente de Piedra 1 , 2011 
El Cementario de Fuente de Piedra 2 , 2011
A film pack mishap is visible on the left hand side of the photo.  Darn.
El Cementario de Fuente de Piedra 3, 2011

El Cementario de Fuente de Piedra 4, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Monoliths and a Caravan

I'm just getting around to scanning some negatives from earlier this spring.  Such are the perils of small town life - I no longer have a place nearby where I can drop off 120 color film for processing and pick it up a few hours later.  I now have to bring it to Antequera and wait (at least) a week for my negatives.  Oh well.

Both of these were shot in late April, using a Zero 2000 medium format pinhole camera on Kodak Ektar 100 speed film.

Monoliths, 2011

I'm not sure what those concrete blocks once were, but they remind me of the Monolith from 2001.
Caravan, 2011

This decaying caravan is permanently parked near an old, abandoned farm.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Pinhole Shoes and Power Lines

Here are a few recent pinhole landscapes from the strange plot of land next to the solar farm in Mollina.  All were shot with a Zero 2000 pinhole camera on Kodak Ektar 100 speed film.  A few Rolleicord shots of the same area can be seen here.

Thanks for visiting!  As usual, comments are welcome.

Plants and Power Lines, 2011

Plants and Power Lines, 2011

Shoes, 2011
A mysterious pair of decomposing shoes, found in a meadow near the solar farm.

Jawbone, 2011
The area is full of the remains of rabbits and the occasional stray dog.  This jawbone probably belonged to a galgo (a Spanish greyhound).

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

La Romería de Nuestra Señora de las Virtudes Part 3

I finally got around to scanning some of my color negatives from La Romería de Nuestra Señora de las Virtudes.  Some of the black and white photos, as well as background information about the festival,  can be seen here and here.  All were shot on Kodak Ektar 100 speed film with a Rolleicord Va TLR camera.
Romeria, 2011

Romeria, 2011

Romeria, 2011

Romeria, 2011

Romeria, 2011

Romeria, 2011

Romeria, 2011

Romeria, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Strange Landscape Through the Rolleicord

I've been a bit of a slacker about blog updates of late.  As a result, this is my second post of the day!  Maybe I'll catch up with the growing stack of negatives in need of scanning, which might result in even more blog posts. 

The shots below were all shot in a strange plot of land near what we like to refer to as the Cylon Field.  The actual Cylon Field is a rather large solar farm located outside of Mollina (a few shots of it can be found here).   The solar facility is neighbored by a large, uncultivated plot of land (quite unusual for the area, as most non hilly areas are covered by olive groves or other crops).  This spot is full of rabbits, interesting native plants and odd tidbits of garbage (see here).  I've taken the pinhole to this spot numerous times, but this was the first time I've brought the Rolleicord.  All were shot on Kodak Ektar 100 speed 120 film.

Pine, 2011

Pod, 2011

Bush, 2011

Tree and Power Line, 2011

Verkol, 2011


The sunflowers are already in bloom here in Fuente!  Here are a few shots of said sunflowers.  All were shot with a Pinhole 100 camera on Fuji FP100-C instant film.  As usual, comments are welcome.  Thanks for visiting.
Sunflowers 1, 2011
15 second exposure on Fuji FP100-C instant film
Sunflowers 2, 2011
10 second exposure on Fuji FP100-C instant film
Sunflowers 3, 2011
10 second exposure on Fuji FP100-C instant film